Day after the recovery of over 13 kilograms of gold and cash worth more than Rs eight crore and arrest of six people from Noida, the owner of the flat where the heist took place has been identified, the Noida police said on Sunday. The flat in the Silver City society of Greater Noida had been rented by Kislay Panday, who claims to be a Supreme Court lawyer, the police said. He rented the flat under someone else's name, they said.
Mr Panday, who describes himself on Twitter as a solicitor at the Supreme Court, has denied all the allegations against him. "Neither the flat nor the recovered valuables are mine," he told NDTV.
The accused, during interrogation, revealed that around 40 kg of gold and Rs 6.50 crore was stolen from the flat.
There are many cheating cases worth crores of rupees registered against Kislay Panday in Delhi and its neighbouring areas. Housing finance and consumer finance company Indiabulls had also filed a case against him, the police said.
"Those cases are from 18-19 years ago, that is a different matter," Mr Panday said while responding to the charges.
He has also issued a statement on Twitter, saying that he is cooperating in the investigation. "It is definitely a deliberate and concocted smear campaign against me by the accused scamsters who have eaten the public money on the largest possible scales," he said.
"I will double my efforts for the justice to the people of this country," read Mr Panday's statement.
The theft was committed in September last year, but a few days ago, a fight broke out between the gang members over the distribution of gold and the matter reached the police and all the six accused were caught from Noida.
The "mastermind" of the theft, Mr Panday's caretaker - Gopal - and his driver, who informed about the valuables, are missing, the police said.