Cash and jewellery worth Rs 1 crore were stolen by robbers from a house in Noida's Amrapali Leisure valley on Friday, police said. The thieves broke into the house while the family was away and stole cash, jewellery, and a safe. They also took the CCTV camera to avoid being identified.
According to the police, Shashi Bhushan, a financial officer in a media house, had hired a repairman to fix a broken washing machine in the house. When the repairman reached the house on Friday afternoon, he found the lock on the door broken and informed Mr Bhushan, they said.
Mr Bhushan told the police that when he reached home, he found the house in a disarray with the safe, silver and gold jewellery worth Rs 60 lakh along with Rs 40 lakh cash missing. Mr Bhushan said that he received the cash when he sold a property recently.
Police suspect the involvement of a family member who could be aware of the sale of property and the cash.
The forensic team has collected fingerprints from the house as evidence and a case has been filed, said Ram Badan Singh, Noida central Deputy Commissioner of Police.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)