Acclaimed actor Anupam Kher now wants to open a branch of his acting school, 'Actor Prepares'in Kolkata, which he says is a city of huge creative talent."I want to have a branch in Kolkata. There is a lot of talent here. I would love to teach them," Kher, who has been running the acting school for the past six years in Mumbai, told reporters here last night.Besides branches in Chandigarh and Ahmedabad, the institute, which has trained actors like Deepika Padukone, Gauhar Khan, Mugdha Godse and Nikhil Dwivedi, also has a unit in the UK.Asked about acting in Bengali films, the veteran actor disclosed he is considering a couple of offers from Tollywood."I want to do a Bengali film, no doubt. But (again) no one has approached me so far as a producer. If I get a good writer or a director, then I can again finance a Bengali film," said Kher, who had produced Rituparno Ghosh's Bengali film 'Bariwali' in 2000.The Padma Shri awardee, who debuted with the role of a retired old man in the 1984 film "Saaransh", described himself as a politically conscious citizen of this land and commentedon the arrest of former Telecom minister A Raja in connection with the 2G spectrum scam."It is important to take things to a conclusion. It should not be a symbolic gesture," he said adding that politicians often emerge unscathed after "spending six months in jail".
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