This Article is From Sep 03, 2014

10 People You Meet on Your Way to Work

10 People You Meet on Your Way to Work
Courtesy: YouTube
If there's one place in the world you can meet a vast and diverse variety of people, it's an Indian road. Of course, we use the term 'meet' loosely here. You can encounter people from all walks of life on the streets of India, just as long as you take a moment off from your commute to look around. On an Indian road, every emotion from anger to happiness and everything in between is on display. So here's a list of people we think you might come across almost every day on the way to work. Can you think of any others?

1.The Crazy Honker
They blow the horn at just about anything that moves on the road; sometimes even at things that don't. Needless to say, these commuters are the most hated on the streets.


2.The Overtaker
All the world's his/her race-track and all the men and women merely his/her competitors. Beware, he/she will win this race whether it matters to you or not.

3.The Beep-Beep Words Driver
You can see this guy (or gal) mouthing expletives as if it were a flower-shower. Don't stare directly at them, just saying.

4.The Road Rage-er
These people drive with a vengeance. It's as if driving is their way to vent out all their anger. And the aforementioned 'Overtaker' and 'Beep-Beep Driver' only make matters worse.
Warning: Do NOT cross them if you want to live to see another day.

5.The Noob on the Wheel
For these poor novice drivers, the road is just a high school playground and all the other cool cars bully them to no end. Keep calm behind that wheel, beginner. The 'L' sticker on your car does not stand for loser, no what anyone tells you.

6. The Kings
The undisputed kings of every street in India are the Auto Wallas. Just bow down in respect. (Read more here)


7.The Spitter

Doesn't matter if you haven't had a shower in the morning. There'll always be someone ready to clear their throat for you. GROSS!

8.The Song Lovers
You would think they were heading to a club even early in the morning. No, no need to understand them. Just watch them head bang and move along.

9.The Workaholic
You may not have woken up yet but this guy is already hard at work. Frantic texting, incessant phone conversations, this guy has no time to waste.

10.The Loving Family
These people put Hum Saath Saath Hain to shame. Enough said.

All GIFs courtesy