This Article is From Jan 15, 2016

12-Year-Old Moroccan Prince Really Doesn't Like His Hand Being Kissed

12-Year-Old Moroccan Prince Really Doesn't Like His Hand Being Kissed
Screengrabs taken from Reddit video uploaded by @beaus
Moulay Hassan, the pre-teen Crown Prince of Morocco, performs his state duties with elan. But there's one royal tradition he's probably going to do away with when he's on the throne - the practice of royal hand-kissing.

Video footage shows the dapper 12-year-old prince pulling off some nifty moves when people try to kiss his hand. Those who stick to a handshake are welcome but HRH Moulay snatches his hand away when the lineup of dignitaries bends to kiss it.

The video of the young prince leaving people kissing their own fingers has gone viral, unsurprisingly.

Prince Moulay, who has an eight-year-old sister named Lalla Khadija (views on hand-kissing unknown), is expected to reign as King Hassan III of Morocco once he ascends the throne.

Watch his dexterous hand-jiving here: