A 14-year-old boy has created history by becoming the youngest contestant ever to win Rs 1 crore in the popular quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati. Mayank, a Class 8 student from Haryana's Mahendragarh, stunned viewers of the show when he correctly answered the 16th question for Rs 1 crore on the 15th edition of the iconic show hosted by Amitabh Bachchan.
A promo posted on X by the show's makers show a confident and ambitious Mayank winning the mega prize. "The only thing that matters is your knowledge," the young contestant is heard saying in the video. The promo also shows Mr Bachchan ask Mayank's parents about his extraordinary performance. "He has stressed his school teachers too. He is two steps ahead of them in the classroom," his father quips.
In his quest to win the huge prize, Mayank also displayed excellent gameplay as he won Rs 3.2 lakh without using any lifelines and used his first lifeline for the Rs 12.5 lakh question.
Answering 15 questions without breaking a sweat, Mayank reached the big "Rs 1 crore" question. He was asked “Which European Cartographer is credited with creating the map that has the name America to the newly discovered continent?”
The four options were: Abraham Ortelius, Geradus Mercator, Giovanni Battista Agnese, and Martin Waldseemüller.
Mayank chose the correct option: Martin Waldseemuller and secured Rs 1 crore. he also attempted the final question for Rs 7 crore, but was unable to answer and quit the game. The young champion champion also earned the praise of Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar who posted on X congratulating him.
The young contestant says he felt "very fortunate" to showcase his hunger for knowledge at the platform and thanked his parents and host Amitabh Bachchan for their support. "I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to display my knowledge on ‘KBC Juniors Week' and play the game opposite Amitabh Sir, who motivated me throughout. To be the youngest contestant to win such a huge amount is a moment of pride for me and my family. We are big fans of the show and Bachchan Sir! I would also take this opportunity to thank my parents for their consistent guidance that helped me to play well and achieve the 1 crore feat," he said.