This Article is From Oct 24, 2019

A Look Inside New York's Exclusive Wine Tastings For Billionaires

Watch the video to learn how to taste wine like a billionaire

A Look Inside New York's Exclusive Wine Tastings For Billionaires

This video takes viewers into an exclusive wine tasting for billionaires.

Love drinking wine but don't understand how to talk about it? Ordering fine wine can be an intimidating experience for many. The long lists, the strange-sounding terminology, knowledge about which wine to pair with which dish and of course, the prohibitive costs of good wine can make many uncomfortable. This video by Insider, however, will take you right inside one of New York's most exclusive wine tastings for billionaires and give you a crash course on wine.

In the video, world-renowned wine expert Mark Oldman takes viewers into his Wine Sanctuary.

"I built this (Wine Sanctuary), brick by brick, furnishing by furnishing, to be a cozy getaway from the velocity of life," he says. I've had no end of celebrities, sports figures, many illustrious people come through here.

"Billionaires want the best of everything, but they don't necessarily order from the reserved list at a restaurant. They want to economise, just like everyone else. So part of my job is to help people figure out what they like and what they don't like, while giving them a framework."

Mr Oldman then offers some tips on how to drink and appreciate good wine.

Did you know, for example, that covering a wine glass with your hand before you swirl it around can double the magnitude of its smell? Or that - contrary to what many believe - adding a cube of ice to a glass of wine is not a food crime and can actually help focus its flavour?

In the video, Mr Oldman, whose personal wine collection is worth over half a million dollars, also talks about some things to keep in mind when ordering wine. He introduces viewers to a 'porron' - a traditional glass wine pitcher typical of Spain, and explains the difference between champagne and other bubblies.

Watch the video to learn how to taste wine like a billionaire.

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