Akshay Kumar tweeted a clarification after IPS officer RK Vij noticed an error in a behind-the-scenes pic from Sooryavanshi. The actor, on Saturday, revealed that Rohit Shetty's cop drama will finally release on Diwali after several delays due to the pandemic. While announcing the film's theatrical release, Akshay Kumar shared a behind-the-scenes pic which shows Ranveer Singh sitting while Akshay Kumar and Ajay Devgn stand next to him. All three actors are seen dressed in police uniforms - but Mr Vij, a real-life IPS officer, noted that an inspector would never sit like that in front of his seniors.
"The Inspector sahab sitting while the SP stands, it doesn't happen like that janab," Mr Vij pointed out on Sunday, writing in Hindi. His tweet refers to the fact that in Rohit Shetty's cop universe, Ranveer's Simmba is lower on the hierarchy pole as compared to Ajay's Singham and Akshay's Sooryavanshi.
Akshay Kumar responded to his tweet, saying that actors follow all protocols when the camera is switched on. "Sir, this is a behind-the-scenes photo. For us actors, the moment the cameras turn on, protocols return. Regards forever to our great police forces. Hope you like the film when you watch it."
The exchange between the real-life and reel-life cops has gone viral on Twitter. While Mr Vij's tweet has racked up over 23,000 'likes' and a ton of amused reactions, Akshay Kumar fans also praised his reply.
Sooryavanshi was initially expected to open in cinemas on March 24 last year - but was delayed due to the pandemic situation. It is one of the films that opted for a theatrical release instead of digital streaming, which meant its release date was pushed back twice. After being rescheduled for Diwali last year, the film's release date was pushed to April 30 this year. With its Diwali 2021 release, Sooryavanshi will have a box office collision with Marvel Studios' Eternals.