In the middle of the Maharashtra government formation crisis, Shiv Sena's Aaditya Thackeray, the son of party chief Uddhav Thackeray, was noticed on social media today for a different reason. His post on the night sky in Mumbai drew several comments."So beautiful," wrote one commenter. "Great click," said another.
Aaditya, 29, is the first of his family to contest elections ever since Shiv Sena was founded by his grandfather, Bal Thackeray, in 1966. Aaditya Thackeray won from Mumbai's Worli assembly constituency, beating Nationalist Congress Party's (NCP) Suresh Mane by a margin of over 67,000 votes.
Thackeray junior's Instagram feed features more than 500 photographs. Take a look at a few others below:
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