In his decades-long career, superstar Amitabh Bachchan has played the tough cop many times over. This time, however, he took on the role of introducing the real cops of Mumbai Police to the world in a short clip that is going viral online. This morning, Mumbai Police shared a video which features Amitabh Bachchan to introduce its Quick Response Team. This team, according to Mumbai Police, has been "trained and equipped to deal with any adversity" and is "committed to Mumbai's security 24/7".
In the video, Mr Bachchan explains that the Quick Response Team was trained after the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai to deal with any such adverse situation. "These elite commandos are trained and ready to keep Mumbai and its residents safe," he says.
The video has been directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and produced by Yash Raj Films. Watch it below:
Watch Mr @SrBachchan introducing Quick Response Team of Mumbai Police. Trained and equipped to deal with any adversity and committed to Mumbai's security 24/7. #MumbaiFirst
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) February 22, 2019
Since it was shared online, the tweet has received a flood of positive responses. Here is how netizens have reacted to the video:
Good initiative sir
— Nikhil (@Nikhil_PSI) February 22, 2019
Proud of you #MumbaiPolice. The best police force in the world.
— Yashodhan Dere (@yashodhandere12) February 22, 2019
@MumbaiPolice ,
— Pratyush Kapte (@KaptePratyush) February 22, 2019
Proud of Mumbai police
— Amit Mehta (@joy_amitmehta) February 22, 2019
On its website, Mumbai Police explains the need for a Quick Response Team. "Mumbai is vulnerable to attacks from terrorists and underworld elements. There was a need for a highly trained, motivated, young, fit and fully equipped team to tackle such groups and to terminate hostage situations
"This team responds in the shortest time, moves by fastest means, takes action to collect tactical information and neutralizes the threat. They rescue hostages, render assistance to Central forces and other State forces on Government duty."
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