This Article is From Jan 02, 2018

Anand Mahindra, Fan Of 'Jugaad', Tweets Video Of Nifty 'Kela-Konveyor'

Because who doesn't like a good jugaad


Anand Mahindra calls the innovation 'frugal' and 'appropriate'.

That Anand Mahindra 'loves wild and wacky jugaad videos' is a fact well-established. Besides the one he has shared about an hour ago, he often shares such videos on Twitter, much to the delight of his followers. This new one is about an innovation which he calls a 'kela-konveyor'. The video shows the perfect jugaad to transfer bananas out of the fields and will definitely leave you impressed.

"Got this clip of a commendable exercise in jugaad. A Banana-Bike Brigade? Or better still a Kela-Konveyor?" says the Mahindra Group Chairman in his tweet, calling the method 'frugal' and 'appropriate'. You'll just have to watch the video to understand the technique Mr Mahindra is talking about.
Since being posted about an hour ago, the video has collected almost 6,000 views, more than 500 'likes' and several comments on Twitter.

"A banana train. Innovative and frugal. Indians never ceases to amaze you," says one Twitter user on the video. "Amazing and innovative... sahi jugaad kiya. Necessity leads to innovation," says another.

Many also suggested names for the practice. Mr Mahindra couldn't help agree with one.
Anand Mahindra often shares such videos of jugaad of some kind on Twitter.
Which innovation has been your favourite so far? Tell us using the comments section below.