Heavy rains brought the city of Mumbai to a virtual standstill on Monday. Mumbai received the heaviest rain over a 24-hour period in a decade, which flooded the airport and paralysed local trains. In the midst of this, when business tycoon Anand Mahindra received his newspaper at his Mumbai home this morning - dry and on time - he took to Twitter to salute the "unsung heroes" who brave the city's torrential downpour to do their duty.
Mr Mahindra, who is known for giving shout-outs on Twitter to people, deeds and innovations that catch his eye, wrote on the microblogging website: "Mumbai Airport runway shut, schools closed, train stations flooded, but the newspapers arrived in my house on time & dry!
"I have to salute those quiet, unsung heroes who brave torrential rain just so we can experience a 'normal day,'" he added, sharing a picture of his newspaper.
Mumbai Airport runway shut, schools closed, train stations flooded, but the newspapers arrived in my house on time & dry! I have to salute those quiet, unsung heroes who brave torrential rain just so we can experience a ‘normal day.' 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 pic.twitter.com/iUhKMRSRFi
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) July 2, 2019
His tweet has received over 6,000 'likes' in a matter of hours, along with hundreds of 'retweets'. Many have commented on the tweet to praise him for recognising the people who do their bit to keep Mumbai going during monsoons.
That's the power of print and the committed network of people behind the medium.
— T A V Srinivas (@TAVSrinivas1) July 2, 2019
Newspaper vendor , milkman , vegetable vendor all are unsung heroes Sir..
— Dinesh Joshi. (@dineshjoshi70) July 2, 2019
Others also took it an example of Mumbai's spirit - unstoppable even in heavy rains
That is the spirit of our great city.... https://t.co/8wepq57evP
— Umesh tattanahalli (@umesh141295) July 2, 2019
Here are ten heartwarming examples from social media of how, in the past, Mumbaikars have displayed unparalleled generosity and perseverance during monsoons.
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