Industrialist Anand Mahindra never fails to amaze his social media fans with his quirky and meaningful posts. In a recent Tweet, The Mahindra Group Chairman has shared an interesting idea of a portable marriage hall.
The post has been shared by Mr Mahindra on Twitter on Sunday along with a video of the portable marriage hall that is being carried inside a truck. It comes in a 40*30 Square Feet space, has a stylish interior and can accommodate 200 people at one time.
The two-minute viral video begins with a heavy truck that soon transforms into a modern, beautiful wedding hall. Additionally, it depicts a few events taking place there. The hallway can also be seen furnished with elegant lighting, air conditioning, and furniture as well.
While sharing the post, Mr Mahindra wrote, "I'd like to meet the person behind the conception and design of this product. So creative and thoughtful. Not only provides a facility to remote areas but also is eco-friendly since it doesn't take up permanent space in a population-dense country."
Within a few hours of getting shared, the video has received around 5.8 lakh views and over 26,000 likes. More than 3,000 Twitter users have re-tweeted the post and many have appreciated the idea in the comment section of the post.
One user wrote, "Amazing, creative & ecofriendly! Its from MH."
"Awesome. It's innovative and will help people in organising the reception and will save huge rent costs," said a second user.
A third user commented, "Really amazing, something new."