This Article is From Feb 22, 2017

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? This One Got A Police Officer To Do Her Homework

Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? This One Got A Police Officer To Do Her Homework

Smart 10-year-old asked a police officer to help with her maths homework

Marion, Ohio:

Kids. They're getting smarter by the day. And 10-year-old Lena Draper is proof of that. The 5th grader recently found herself stuck with a difficult maths problem. And who are you taught to reach out to if you have a problem? That's right, the police. "I'm having trouble with my homework. Could you help me?" she wrote to her local police department via their official Facebook page. Instead of ignoring her, the officer on duty, BJ Gruber, did his best to lend a hand.

Lena's mother posted screenshots of the exchange on Facebook. "Thank you, Marion, Ohio Police Department, for truly building relationships with the community," she wrote. 

The post has been liked and shared over 2,500 times.


This is the message Lena first sent on Facebook Instant Messenger: "Well I don't understand (8+29)x15."

"Do the numbers in the parenthesis first, so in essence it would be 37x15," Officer Gruber responded.

So far, so good.

Lena's next question: "So now if I had this (90 + 27)+(29 + 15)x2. Which one would I do first?"

The officer responded again: "Take the answer from the first parenthesis plus the answer from the second parenthesis and multiply that answer by two."

Except, that's not right. A Facebook user was quick to point out that Officer Gruber's numbers didn't quite add up.

"After doing the parentheses, she should actually multiply the (29+15) times 2, then add the (90+27)," wrote Amy Pelfrey. "Glad they were willing to help! But multiplication before addition!"

“Hoping it is truly the thought that counts since apparently I cannot," joked the officer. 

A solid 'A' for effort Officer Gruber. At least you tried.
