This Article is From Jun 27, 2019

Beautiful Pink Rainbows Light Up Sky Over England

Pink rainbows usually appear at sunrise and sunset, due to the position of the sun in the sky.


Pictures of pink rainbows have flooded social media.

Pink rainbows were spotted all over the south and west of England on Monday evening. The rare sight lit up the skies as well as social media, where people shared tons of pics of the rainbows. The phenomenon was captured in areas including Dorset, Somerset and Gloucestershire, reports BBC.

According to BBC Weather expert Lan Boutland, pink rainbows usually appear at sunrise and sunset, due to the position of the sun in the sky.

"Rainbows witnessed at dawn and dusk can, on occasion, be pink because of the low sun angle at that time of day," he explained.

"At sunrise and sunset, the sunlight has to travel through a thicker slice of atmosphere and so much of the shorter wavelength light has been scattered by the time it reaches our eye.

"This leaves mostly the red end of the spectrum to be refracted and reflected - hence the pink appearance."


Take a look at some of the pink rainbow pictures that have flooded social media:

Have you ever seen a pink rainbow? Let us know using the comments section.
