Faridabad Police shared a Bollywood-inspired post to identify a bike thief on social media this Saturday. The police department left many amused with its post identifying the bike thief. The reason? Their creative re-imagination of the lyrics of 'Bholi Si Surat' that accompanied the offender's photograph.
Taking to Twitter Saturday, Faridabad Police wrote: "Bholi si surat, kaam mein susti, motorcycle churae, haye (Innocent face, lazy when it comes to work, [he] steals motorcycles)." Bollywood fans will instantly recognise their caption as a reworking of the song 'Bholi Si Surat' from the 1997 hit film Dil To Pagal Hai.
Their creativity did not end with the Bollywood-inspired caption - the real zinger was the conclusion. Faridabad Police shared a hashtag informing their followers that the bike thief had been put behind bars. #Ab_To_Andar_Hai, they wrote.
The tweet has racked up over 6,000 'likes' on the microblogging platform, where many praised the department's sense of humour in warning other potential offenders. Take a look at some of the reactions it has garnered:
Earlier this month, Mumbai Police similarly re-imagined the lyrics of another popular song to warn motorcycle riders against trying dangerous stunts. Using the words of Aqua's hit 'Barbie Girl' song, the police department wrote: "Attention barbie girl, it's the real world Life isn't plastic- safety's fantastic!"
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