Twitter Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk is always making news. Be it for the changes he is making to the microblogging website or for his comments on current affairs. However, this time around the billionaire uploaded a photo collage with his son X AE A-12 on social media. Internet users showered the toddler with their affection and gushed over how cute he was.
Mr Musk captioned the post as "Archangel-12". Since being shared, the post has amassed over 22 million views and 1.6 lakh likes.
"Dad life = best life" said one user.
"Being a father suits you. Whether you launch a rocket to Mars or a shuttle to the moon. You have a small child who wants to be in your arms," commented another person.
A third person said, "Oh, That's so cute."
"All stages of having a kid is fun but newborn to 6 months is my fav. They really grow up fast. The days are long but the years are short," said another user.
"Oh my goodness Elon he's so cute ! That red hair , he's honestly adorable," remarked another person.
In December, the one-year-old was seen perched on his dad's lap when Mr Musk joined the digital meeting of the National Academy of Sciences' Space Studies Board and the Board on Physics and Astronomy to discuss SpaceX's Starship development. Even while his father giggled, the little one waved and yelled "Hi" multiple times. The founder of SpaceX provided an update on recent developments and reusable spaceships during the Zoom meeting. The initial animation included a rocket, but when the toddler excitedly exclaimed, "Car, car," Musk corrected him, saying, "Rocket, but it's a rocket on a big car.