Amid the coronavirus pandemic, actor Boman Irani has delivered a message of hope with his rendition of 'Over The Rainbow'. Mr Irani collaborated with a group of teenagers to sing the Oscar-winning classic, which was originally sung by Judy Garland in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.
On Thursday night, the 3 Idiots actor took to social media to share a video of the performance. The video was created with each singer singing remotely from their own home. Interspersed with the shots of singers were pictures of artwork created by the children of Akanksha Foundation - an NGO that Mr Irani actively works with.
Violinist Aaliya Ramakrishnan and cellist Naima Ramakrishnan added magic with their instruments to the song which was musically coordinated by Danesh Khambata and arranged by Nariman Khambata, Yash Thakkar and Rahul Pais.
"Sung ole favourite, 'Over the Rainbow' with these superstars! They sang into their phones with much joy and consummate talent that I feel privileged to have shared this mix of technology and love with them," the actor wrote on Facebook while sharing the video.
"The darling kids of Akanksha add to the colour and child - wisdom of how they see this world through their astounding art," he said, adding: "If you don't smile or feel teary-eyed, please be assured that there will always be HOPE..... in this hour and forever."
Boman Irani's rendition of 'Over The Rainbow' has been viewed over 20,000 times on Facebook. It has found widespread appreciation on YouTube as well, where the comments section has been flooded with praise for the actor as well as the young singers who collaborated with him.
"What an absolutely beautiful harmony- and the pics that transported us all back to our days of innocence," wrote one person.
"Ethereally done. Beautiful lesson in collaboration. And I am so amazed to discover yet another talent of the great Boman Irani," said another.