This Article is From Apr 21, 2017

British Daredevil Climbs 200-Metre Tall Crane In Dizzying Video


British daredevil Ally Law illegally climbed a 200-metre tall crane in Melbourne, posted video on YouTube

New Delhi: Scared of heights? Then you probably shouldn't watch British daredevil Ally Law's latest YouTube video. The 20-year-old recently visited Melbourne and filmed his vertigo-inducing climb up to the top of a crane more than 200 metres off the ground - no safety harness in sight. The crane is being used in the construction of a 62-floor building in the Australian city. The stuntman is notorious for climbing landmarks around the world. He usually films his climbs on GoPro cameras and posts slickly-edited videos on social media.

"I'm not going to try and pretend it's not dangerous," Mr Law tells "It's highly risky and one mistake will cost you your life."

"But saying that, I don't actually worry about the dangers because I trust my abilities and I will never put myself in a situation I'm not 110 percent confident with," he says.



Mr Law, who has been climbing for five years, has over 110,000 YouTube subscribers. Some videos on his page show his previous encounters with police.

"I've been caught (climbing) a few times," Mr Law admits. "There is absolutely no way you'd ever be granted permission to do something like this."

"I always do my climbs on public holidays, Sundays and very early mornings to avoid being seen and disturbing anybody."

According to local reports, this particular video is now being investigated by Victoria Police.



The video has been viewed over 10,400 times since being uploaded on April 18. Reactions to it have been rather mixed. Take a look:

"Reckless and idiotic behaviour. I hope Victoria Police charge you for trespassing," writes one person.

"I'd get scared just looking up at that thing," writes a YouTuber. "Great video!"

"Get a heart rate monitor and overlay your heart rate on the video," suggests another.

And clearly this person just can't get enough of the thrills, writing: "Please include the climb down. I like the whole experience."

Watch the full video here:


Needless to say, please don't try this at home, or anywhere else.

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