China Road Collapse Survivor Drives 800 km To Thank Elderly Man Who Saved His Life

64-year-old Huang Jiandu knelt in the middle of the road to stop vehicles driving towards the sunken area.

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He knelt in the middle of the road, forcing cars to halt.

A 64-year-old man in China is being hailed as a hero after he risked his life to stop people from driving into a collapsed road triggered by a landslide. According to the South China Morning Post, Huang Jiandu knelt in the middle of the road to stop more vehicles driving towards the sunken area. Recently, a young man--whose life was saved because of Mr Jiandu's courageous action--decided to express gratitude to him. Cai Xuanda, a man in his 20s, paid a visit to Mr Jiandu along with his family, after making a journey of 800 km. 

On May 9, Cai, his parents and his sister went to Mr Jiandu's home in Shenzhen, driving from their hometown in Zhangzhou, southeastern Fujian province, which took an entire day. They brought a bouquet and a tailor-made red silk banner on which were written Chinese characters which said:
"You risked your own life to save my life, your kindness is as heavy as a mountain."

''If Brother Huang had not got down on his knees, my son would not have stopped,'' Cai's father said. 


As per Xinhua News Agency, a landslide occurred at the Chayang section of the Meizhou-Dabu Expressway in Meizhou, Guangdong Province on May 1. Soon after, an 18-metre-long section of motorway gave way, sending cars tumbling down a slope, leaving 48 people dead and 30 injured.

Mr Jiandu, who was also driving on that road, made the courageous decision to kneel in the middle of the expressway following the collapse to halt oncoming vehicles. At first, he yelled at the oncoming traffic and asked drivers to stop, but he was ignored and cars dropped down into the abyss. 


He then knelt in the middle of the road, forcing cars to halt. Notably, Cai Xuanda was in the second car that was stopped by him. After getting out of his car, Mr Xuanda and another driver also joined forces and worked together to save four people. 

Meanwhile, Mr Jiandu's story has gone viral on social media with many people admiring his quick thinking, presence of mind and courage. His bravery also earned praise from Fengshun County of Meizhou, with a local charity foundation rewarding him with 10,000 yuan. 

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