This Article is From Sep 29, 2017

These Sisters Sell Bags Of Fresh Air. This Is Not Fake News

At approximately Rs 150 a bag, you can now buy air freshly captured from the mountains


The two sisters have started a business selling air fresh from the mountains.

At approximately Rs 150 a bag, you can now buy air freshly captured from the mountains. To combat China's worsening air quality problem, two sisters have come up with an unusual business plan: selling fresh air. The two women from Xining, China, have launched an online business startup selling fresh air from the Tibetan Plateau, reports the Shanghaiist.

They have even made a video promoting their venture, and it shows them collecting air in plastic bags.

The bags cost 15 yuan, and the sisters claim they have already sold over a hundred bags.

They claim to have sold over a hundred bags of air already.

However, on the Chinese social networking website Weibo, many have criticized the scheme for using plastic bags that are non-recyclable and damage the environment further.

But their idea is not exactly unique. Earlier this year, a Xi'an forestry department began selling fresh air at 18 yuan a can from the nearby Qinling mountains. The project received 200,000 yuan in government investment, according to the Shanghaiist.