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This Article is From Jan 23, 2019

Chinese Company Builds $44 Million 'Cash Mountain' To Show Off Year-End Bonuses

Each employee received roughly Rs 62 lakhs as year-end bonus


A Chinese steel plant created a mountain with banknotes worth over 300 million yuan

With the Chinese New Year (also known as the Spring Festival) fast approaching, most companies are getting ready to hand out year-end bonuses to their employees. One such company is a steel plant in the city of Nanchang, in China's Jiangxi province - and they are doing it in the most over-the-top way possible.

According to Shanghaiist, the steel plant built a "cash mountain" with banknotes worth over 300 million yuan ($44 million) to show off the amount being paid to employees as year-end bonuses. The money, approximately worth Rs 34 crores, was then distributed amongst the company's 5,000 employees.

Each lucky employee, therefore, got an average year-end bonus of 60,000 yuan - that's about Rs 62 lakhs!

"Such a big bonus, I don't know how to spend it all!" one employee was quoted as saying by the Shanghaiist.

This isn't the first time that a Chinese company has come with a 'quirky' way to distribute year-end bonuses. Last year, a company had its employees participate in a game show-inspired cash grab - giving them a limited amount of time to sweep up as much cash as they could.

What do you think of the cash mountain? Let us know using the comments section below.


