This Article is From Sep 11, 2018

Chinese Woman On 2-Wheeler Run Over By Truck, Then Gets Up And Walks Away

The truck hit the woman's two-wheeler and she fell on the ground


The incident took place in Maoming, China's Guangdong province.

A woman's close escape from serious injury or worse was captured on camera in China. A video posted online shows the woman miraculously surviving after being run over by a truck. The video of the incident makes for quite a dramatic watch.

Posted on Twitter by People's Daily, China, the video shows the woman riding a two wheeler. She is seen taking a turn followed closely by a truck also steering in the same direction as her. Suddenly, the truck hits the woman's two-wheeler and she is seen falling on the ground in front of the truck. The vehicle continues to move forward, one of its tyres rolling over the two-wheeler. It takes the truck a few seconds to come to a halt. Surprisingly, the woman is seen emerging from under the rear end of the truck and walking away from the vehicle.

The incident took place in Maoming, China's Guangdong province. Watch the incident, most likely recorded on a CCTV camera, below:

A similar incident took place in China's Lianyungang back in December. A woman crossing a street was hit by the same car twice. And even though the car drove over her, she survived the accident without sustaining any major injuries.
