This Article is From Apr 19, 2009

Contestant rides donkey for votes

Contestant rides donkey for votes

Among candidates endeavouring to be impressive with motorcade, an Independent chose to be different; he rode on a donkey back to file nomination papers.

Akhilesh Kumar, a retired Army man, mounted on a donkey to reach the Agra Collectorate on Friday to file his nomination from Agra Lok Sabha seat.

Besides striking an unusual code with the voters, he wanted to drive home a message of 'donkeys entering Parliament in the garb of legislators.'

In his own words, he sat astride from Eta and rode 80 km on a humble donkey to tell people that they should not elect donkeys to represent them in Parliament.

However, he was stopped short of entering the collectorate premises on donkey back as security staff forced to dismount and walk the distance to returning officer's room.
