Actor Anupam Kher was recently given a warm welcome on an IndiGo flight to Bengaluru by the pilot and the crew members. Mr Kher took to social media to post videos and pictures detailing the honour he received while flying with the airline. He also posed for photos with the passengers.
In the first video, the air hostess speaks on the passenger announcement system and says, "I request all of you to stand on your own seats. We will try to take everyone in the picture. Thank you so much and a huge round of applause for Mr Anupam Kher and his hard work." She further thanked Mr Kher for his contribution to the Hindi film industry. The actor then stood up from his seat as people gathered around him.
An air hostess also gave a note to him and said, "Sir, for you. Thank you for flying with us." Mr Kher also shared the picture of the note on Instagram. It reads, "Thank you for flying with us, wishing you luck and happiness in life. You're too kind and generous. Loved having you on board with us, Hope to see you again. Lots of love from 6E family. Thank you, Mariyam Azad, Subah Priya, Tashi and Pratiksha."
In the second video, Mr Kher is seen speaking on the passenger announcement system and thanking the crew for their kind gesture. He says, "This is so amazing that this kind of a welcome is given to me. I thank the captain, the crew and all of you for giving me this great honour to introduce me to the flight to Bangalore. I wish you all the good luck and jai ho to all of you. Thank you so much. Jai Hind." He was further greeted by a huge round of applause by the passengers.
Since being shared, his post has amassed over 77,000 likes on Instagram. The actor wrote, "Thank you @indigo.6e Capt. #TejasviShah Capt. #JohnScaria the wonderful crew #MariyamAzad #SubahPriya #Tashi and #Pratiksha for making me feel so so special on my flight 6E979 and acknowledging my hard work. I am deeply touched by your kind gesture. Jai Hind! #Humbled #Happy"
The carrier replied to his post and added, "Thank you, Mr Kher, for joining us on our flight. It was an honour to have a legendary actor like you onboard. Your talent and contributions to cinema inspire us all. We shall definitely pass on your kind words to our crew #goindiGo #LoveYouToo, Team IndiGo"
A user said, "It was such an honour to fly you and have you on board! Lucky to share a few words with you. Thank you for your blessings."
"Sir, Your humbleness makes you different than other celebs.. " said a user.
"Yes , Anupam sir is too humble and generous....when he says thank you so much for you to giving me this welcome... ohhhh ......" remarked another user.
"This is ADORABLE!" remarked a person.