Scientists have discovered a gene which they claim is linked to misery.
An international team, led by the Western Australian Centre for Health & Aging, has in fact identified the genetic variation in C-reactive protein gene that actually predisposes individuals to developing depressive symptoms.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a ubiquitous protein that is an acute marker for physical ill health and is up-regulated in response to stressful events, including inflammation and infection. For the study, the scientists recruited a cohort of community dwelling older men, aged 70 and above. Then they performed genotyping studies, measured CRP levels and assessed depression levels using a Geriatric Depression Scale, in an effort to understand the role of CRP in depression.
Prof Osvaldo Almeida, who led the team, said: "What we found in this particular piece of research was that the genetic variation in the CRP gene dampens the CRP response. "In other words, it decreases your ability to fight off stressful events efficiently and this is associated with depressive symptoms. The link between CRP and depression gets more prominent the sicker the person gets."
According to the scientists, this particular genetic variation is likely to increase the susceptibility of people to develop depressive symptoms because they don't become acutely sick as people who don't have the variation, as the stressful event is not dealt with acutely as it should be.
"Many of these things mentioned in sickness behaviour are also similar in people who develop depressive symptoms. People become depressed, withdraw, lose interest in the surrounding environment, lack motivation and lack energy," Prof Almeida said.
The findings are published in the 'International Journal of Epidemiology'.