This Article is From Dec 02, 2017

Ed Sheeran Wants To Be A Kiwi National. But First, A Quiz From Their PM

"Two, are you willing to wear jandals in semi-inappropriate situations, and also, do you know what jandals are?" she asked.


Singer Ed Sheeran expressed his desire to be a New Zealand national in a video posted by a radio station

Singer Ed Sheeran's informal request to be a Kiwi national got an equally candid response from their Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She gave him a pop-quiz about New Zealand which he must pass.

In a video message shared by New Zealand radio channel "ZM", Ed Sheeran expressed his desire to be a national of the country. The video message was to promote his upcoming shows in March and April in the country.

"Hey, New Zealand! I can't wait to see you very soon. I'm not yet a citizen of New Zealand, but I'm working on it. Hook me up, prime minister, please," he said in the video.

And Prime Minister heard his plea and responded with a video message of her own, shared on the same channel. Making no commitments, 37-year-old Jacinda Ardern, an occasional DJ and fellow cat lover, presented the artist with a quiz about some popular Kiwi terms.

"Before we're able to think about that a little bit more I've got some very important questions for you; the first, do you like pineapple lumps? Do you even know what they are?" she asked

What are those?

Pineapple lumps are chocolate-covered pineapple confectionery treats popular in New Zealand.

But Prime Minister Ardern didn't stop there. She delivered another googly.

"Two, are you willing to wear jandals in semi-inappropriate situations, and also, do you know what jandals are?" she added cheekily.

Jandals are simply the kiwi term for flip-flops or thongs. If Ed Sheeran is willing to wear them all year round is yet to be revealed.

Then came the "most important question of all".

Watch the video to find out what she asked next:


Ed Sheeran is yet to respond to the quiz and we hope he's not googling the answers.