Elon Musk recently unveiled his own artificial intelligence chatbot called Grok. It is the first product of Mr Musk's xAI company and it is trained using real-time data from the X platform. Now, a post by an X user about using the AI chatbot to understand a tweet shared by Elon Musk has caught the attention of not just social media users, but the billionaire as well. In the post, the user, Kris Kashtanova, explained about using Grok to decode a tweet that Mr Musk posted a few days ago.
"Thanks to Grok we'll understand Elon Musk's post better," Kashtanova wrote while sharing a screenshot of the interaction between her and Grok. The X user used a tweet by Mr Musk about corporate culture as a prompt for the AI chatbot. In response, Grok then came up with a detailed explanation of what the tweet meant. Mr Musk reshared the entire post along with a bullseye emoji.
Take a look below:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 23, 2023
"Can you explain what it means: Big companies steadily increase their Dilbert score over time like entropy," Kashtanova asked Grok. The AI chatbot then decoded the prompt and explained the sentence in great detailed.
It didn't take long for social media users to react to Mr Musk's tweet. Since being shared, it garnered more than 11 million views, over 60,000 likes, and several comments.
"Whao... I googled it and I could not find what Dilbert score meant, but I was kind of figure out what you meant. But that just clarified it, and it probably took 1/10th the time or less. The ability and speed at which human's will be able to acquire knowledge is going to be insane," wrote one user. "Thanks to Grok, Elon Musk's posts are becoming our decoding adventures!" said another.
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Meanwhile,Grok is currently available for a limited audience. Earlier this month, Mr Musk, the tycoon behind Tesla and SpaceX, revealed details about the AI tool. He said the link-up with X is "a massive advantage over other models" of generative AI. Grok "loves sarcasm. I have no idea who could have guided it this way," the billionaire quipped, adding a laughing emoji to his post.
"Grok" comes from "Stranger in a Strange Land," a 1961 science fiction novel by Robert Heinlein, and means to understand something thoroughly and intuitively.