This Article is From Apr 18, 2014

Even superheroes love dancing baby reflections

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New Delhi: It's just another day at work for your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman - when suddenly, perched atop a building, he catches sight of his own reflection and sees a baby Spiderman looking back. You can bet the Spidey senses were tingling.

Baby Spidey is the latest junior in a series of 'baby reflection' advertisements released by an international mineral water brand as part of a campaign called 'Live Young.'

Putting a baby in your commercial will probably help you sell anything - an advertising mantra amplified in the previous 'Live Young' advertisement by the emotional connect it makes to the child in everyone. The plot: one fine day, adult men and women navigating a busy downtown street start seeing their own baby reflections. What follows will make you smile.

Baby Spidey had 12 million smiles and views in just a week and the dancing downtown babies had 82 million over 12 months.

Watch Spiderman and his tiny self:

Watch a busy street of people and their baby selves: