Twitter has launched its much-anticipated 'Fleets' feature in India, which allows users to post content which disappears after 24 hours. Like Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook 'stories' before it, Fleets are temporary tweets, photos or videos that stay on a user's profile for only a day. The latest Twitter feature was first introduced in Brazil back in March. It reached Android and iOS users in India on Tuesday. And after one day of testing Fleets, Twitter users are ready with their reviews. In classic Twitter style, many of these reviews comes in the form of memes on the microblogging platform.
Take a look at some reviews that are being shared with the hashtag #FleetsFeedback on Twitter:
Many Twitter users expressed their disappointment with Fleets, saying they would have preferred the much-demanded 'Edit' feature instead.
Dear tweeter, we don't need #fleets but we want an edit option for the small mistakes in the tweets.
— Shaniyal Saeed (@ShaniyalSaeed) June 10, 2020
This may may help us to correct our tweets without deleting them.
Thank you.#FleetFeedback#Fleet #fleeting #TwitterFleets #
Dear @jack ;
— Saikat Das (@SaikatSD10) June 10, 2020
Instead of giving #Fleet feature, you should provide us "Edit" option.@TwitterSupport @Twitter #FleetsFeedback #FleetingThoughts #FleetFeedback #fleets #fleeting
Others used tried-and-tested meme formats to criticise the new Twitter feature
— astha ♛ (@sexygucciking) June 9, 2020
me rn:
Twitter users right now#FleetsFeedback #fleets
— Bewakoof.Com (@BewakoofBrands) June 9, 2020
Comparisons with Instagram were only to be expected, and they came in the form of funny memes...
#FleetFeedback #fleets
— Sadique (@oye_bhidu) June 10, 2020
Let's tweet to beat fleet!!!!
#FleetFeedback #fleets story update on tweeter
— Rare_Legend 🇮🇳 (@memer_hu__bc) June 10, 2020
Insta be like -:
Twitter to Instagram right now :#FleetsFeedback #Fleet
— twiter (@engineering_BC) June 9, 2020
In a series of tweets, Kayvon Beykpour, product lead at Twitter, explained the Fleets feature and wrote, "Fleets are a way to share fleeting thoughts. Unlike Tweets, Fleets disappear after 24 hours and don't get Retweets, Likes, or public replies-- people can only react to your Fleets with DMs."
He said the idea of Fleets emerged as a way to address feedback from people saying they don't like tweeting because tweets can be seen and replied to by anybody and feel "permanent".
Twitter Fleets are currently available only on the Twitter app and not the Web client.
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