Former cricketer and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Gautam Gambhir on Tuesday inaugurated the East Delhi Premier League (EDPL) at Delhi's Yamuna Sports complex. The cricket tournament has been organised with the objective of nurturing raw talent, and one such talent is is Mohammed Wasim. In a tweet shared this evening, Mr Gambhir praised the 19-year-old, saying that he went from delivering newspapers to having his own photograph printed in them.
According to The Hindu, Mohammed Wasim surprised selector when he showed up at the trials for the East Delhi Premier League. The 19-year-old managed to bowl at a speed of close to 140 km per hour - all while wearing a pair of slippers.
"Mohammed Wasim used to distribute newspapers, now his photograph will be printed in them," wrote Gautam Gambhir while sharing four photos of the young cricketer.
जो अख़बार मुहम्मद वसीम बांटा करता था, अब उसी में उसकी फ़ोटो छपेगी! #EDPL
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) December 2, 2021
Conducted by East Delhi MP Gautam Gambhir, the EDPL will have 10 teams named after 10 constituencies.
"I had promised to bring modern sports infrastructure to East Delhi during my campaign and I am proud that we have been able to deliver...Your background or what gear you have does not matter, what really matters is your talent. This is the league of the masses," Mr Gambhir said, adding that the tournament would provide a platform to those who could not showcase their talent due to lack of resources.
Mohammed Wasim divides his time between working as a paperboy and cricket. "I lost my parents at an early age, so I did some odd jobs to help my family. My brother works too, but still our financial situation is not good. Getting selected for the tournament would boost my cricketing career. Officials have also helped me out with cricket kits and shoes for my practice," he had said earlier.
Gautam Gambhir had earlier shared a similar tweet of appreciation for bowler Vijay Pal, who joined the EDPL from Trilokpuri.
ऊपरवाला बिना फ़र्क करे हुनर नवाज़ता है! इसी की मिसाल, त्रिलोकपुरी से #EDPL में आए गेंदबाज़ विजय पाल!
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) December 1, 2021
The winning team at EDPL will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs 30 lakh, while the runner-ups will receive Rs 20 lakh.
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