This Article is From Aug 10, 2017

Giant Inflatable Chicken Outside White House Looks A Lot Like Trump

"Trump is too chicken to release his tax returns, to stand up to Putin," said the activist


"Chicken Don" was placed in the lawn, just south of the White House with due permission (AFP)

While US President Donald Trump is on vacation in New Jersey, a giant inflatable chicken with Trump-like hair was seen outside the White House on Wednesday. The giant chicken named "Chicken Don" was placed near the White House by Indian-origin activist Taran Singh Brar to protest against the US president's reluctance to release his tax returns and how his handling of North Korea and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We are out here to criticise our president for being weak and ineffective as a leader and being too afraid to release his tax returns, too afraid to stand up to Putin and now engaged in a game of chicken with Kim Jong Un," Mr Brar was quoted as saying by the Washington Examiner.

The documentary filmmaker, placed the "Chicken Don" in the lawn, just south of the White House and near the Washington Monument after proper permission from the National Park Service and the Secret Service.

"The tallest thing they usually allow on the Ellipse is the national Christmas tree," he said. "They gave me a waiver for the 30-foot tall Chicken Don."

And the chicken was ruling the roost on social media as #TrumpChicken was the top trend on Twitter in US.
The angry-looking chicken which has golden-orange hair and hand gestures just like Trump is available for purchase on eBay for $1,500.

Early this year, the activist started an online fundraising campaign for this unique protest.

The US President, however, missed "Trump chicken" as he is away on his "working vacation" at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, something that probably the protest easier.

"I realised it's actually better, because the symbolism works and the Secret Service won't be as jumpy," Brar said.

(With inputs from PTI)