This Article is From Jun 12, 2009

Girl skips school to meet Obama

Girl skips school to meet Obama

AFP image

Green Bay:

A visit to see the President of the United States is probably the best excuse in the world to skip school, especially if he then personally writes your teacher a note.

President Barack Obama, who has two girls, swiftly sought to help a fellow dad out of a dilemma when he discovered John Corpus had brought his daughter to see him at a public meeting in Wisconsin, instead of taking her to school.

"I am fortunate enough to be here with my 10-year-old daughter, who is missing her last day of school for this. I hope she doesn't get in trouble," Corpus told the President.

"Oh, no," replied Obama, all ears. "Yes," came the reply.

"Do you need me to write a note?" asked the President. "I'll take you up on that, actually, Mr President."

"All right. Go ahead. I'll start writing it now," replied Obama. "What's her name?"

Corpus then tried to pose his question at the town hall meeting in Green Bay, when Obama interrupted him, saying "No, no, I'm serious. What's your daughter's name?"

"Her name is Kennedy," the bemused Corpus said.

"Kennedy. All right. That's a cool name," replied Obama. A few minutes later Kennedy made her way through the crowd to receive her note from Obama written as the President was listening to her father's question about healthcare reform.
