This Article is From Jul 20, 2015

Going Viral: 4-Year-Old Leukemia Patient 'Marries' Her Favourite Nurse

Going Viral: 4-Year-Old Leukemia Patient 'Marries' Her Favourite Nurse
A couple of weeks ago, Abby told her mother she was getting married. When asked who the lucky boy was, Abby had said Matt, her nurse.

So today I got to help make a 4 year old leukemia patient's "wedding" to her favorite nurse Matt Hickling happen at the Melodies Center for Childhood Cancers at AMC. Thanks to Scott Wright and the team at the Enchanted Garden for donating your time and amazing flowers and to everyone at AMC that helped pull this together in less than 24 hours. You people are amazing. THIS is why we go into nursing.

Posted by Lori Ciafardoni on Thursday, 16 July 2015

So typically I do not post anything in regards to work because of HIPAA and violating any patient rights.....but my...

Posted by Matt Hickling on Thursday, 16 July 2015