This Article is From Dec 31, 2017

New Year's Resolutions To Try And Keep In 2018 - Explained In GIFs And Pics

2018 is upon us and here are some new year's resolutions that you can try with focus on health, personal finance, personal growth.


As New Year 2018 sets in, here are some resolutions that can help better your life.

New Delhi: The curtains are coming down on 2017 and soon we'll all have an all new year in 2018 and a set of New Year's resolutions. With the year ending it's hard not to evaluate the year gone by and plan your moves for the upcoming one. The new year brings with it the hope for a new beginning, some new possibilities, and many new dreams to fulfill. The new year also brings the chance for people to try out new things and set better personal goals for oneself. Every year millions of people list down their aspirations, aims and targets for themselves and promise to fulfill them in the new year. These are popularly known as new year's resolutions and help one to achieve goals they have set for themselves. While many people are successful in reaching their aim, many find it hard to keep up with their own plans. Whether it's health, relationships or personal finance, keeping a new year's resolution going let alone achieving it can be quite hard. However, it's not impossible to accomplish what you set out for yourself. Hard as it may be, new year's resolutions can help improve one's life and fulfilling them can bring one a sense of triumph. All it'll take is a little bit of your time and some will power, and soon you'll have exactly what you set out to accomplish. The trick is set small targets and let the achievement stir you to work on bigger and more time consuming resolutions. And remember, don't be hard on yourself if you slip up. All you have to do is get back up and try again.

Here are some new year's resolutions most people list for themselves. See if you would like to choose one for yourself.

New Year's Resolution #1: Focus on health

New Year's Resolutions: Pick a physical activity. Start small but keep working towards your goal

New Year's Resolution #2: Spend less time on social media


New Year's Resolution #3: Start saving money

New Year's Resolutions: Put aside some part of your salary for savings

New Year's Resolution #4: Say no to drinking and smoking


New Year's Resolution #5: Find a new job

New Year's Resolutions: Find a job with more challenges and responsibilities or pays better

New Year's Resolution #6: Make time for family


New Year's Resolution #7: Adopt a pet... or a plant


New Year's Resolution #8: Walk away from bad relationships and make new friends

New Year's Resolutions: You're never too old to make new friends

New Year's Resolution #9: Commit to a charity

New Year's Resolutions: Help people with your time or money or whatever means possible

New Year's Resolution #10


Take up a new activity like learn a new language or learn to cook

What's your New Year's resolution? Tell us using the comments section below.