This Article is From Nov 18, 2014

Hatari! Baby Elephant vs 14 Lions: Big Fight Has One Big Winner

Hatari! Baby Elephant vs 14 Lions: Big Fight Has One Big Winner

Courtesy: YouTube

You just don't mess with the giant of the jungles, baby or adult. This mite of a baby elephant, who obviously is a bit too far from his herd, fought off not one but 14 obviously hungry lions!  

In this extraordinary video, captured by the guests on the Norman Carr Safaris in Zambia's Chinzombo Camp, a baby elephant - now christened Hercules after the Greek hero - shows astonishing survival instincts and a complete disregard for the danger he was actually facing.    

Assaulted by 14 hunting lions, this little fella fights back with grit and determination and, at one point, literally gives a lioness a run for her life. Perhaps it was his young age that made him so fearless, but whatever the reason, this elephant definitely showed the king of the jungle who's mightier.

Fighting off just one hungry lioness on any given day would be difficult enough, but to fight off a pride of 14 is beyond phenomenal. Watch as this brave baby elephant chases off one of the African savannah's most feared predators:
