This Article is From Jun 24, 2014

Have Bad Luck? Find Out If You're Murphy's Favourite Baby

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Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: says the ever popular Murphy's Law. And for some, this 'law' is pretty much the story of their lives. Are you one of those people who get the only drink with a dead fly in it? Or do you get stuck in elevators so often, you sometimes think elevators have something personal against you? You may be one of 'Murphy Babies'!

Take the test, and tell us if you are:

1. You will walk into doors despite being aware of their existence.

It's okay. Really. Just pretend that you are invisible and walk on.

2. Every puddle/ditch in a two meter radius finds you.

Okay. I don't even.. I mean. What do I even say.

3. Birds who need to poop will hunt you down.

Carry a spare handkerchief at all times. ALL.

4. You kill technology. Electronic goodies simply cannot handle your awesomeness.

Oh just buy cheap phones, dude. Just do.
5. On most days, you are a good cook. Maybe even great. But whenever you invite guests, you almost end up burning the kitchen down.

Ummm. Always order take-out when guests are involved.

6. Your frequency of falling down stairs is phenomenally higher than anyone else you know.

No. There is no cure for this.

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