This Article is From Aug 03, 2016

He Thought He Wouldn't Live Past 16. At 20, What He Does is So Inspiring

He Thought He Wouldn't Live Past 16. At 20, What He Does is So Inspiring

"It was like life was telling me, 'you still have time, what are you doing with your life?' he said.


  • A Mumbai student's story has been mentioned on the Humans of Bombay page
  • He describes the impact of having lived with Thalassaemia Major
  • He talks about the things he does, not just for himself but others too
If there's one person who truly embodies the term 'carpe diem' (seize the day), it is this Mumbai student mentioned on the Humans of Bombay Facebook page. His story, since being posted on Tuesday, has received a lot of love with over 18,000 'likes' and almost 1,900 shares.

A student of biotechnology today, the 20-year-old describes the impact of having lived with Thalassaemia Major, a blood disorder, since he was three-months-old. "Growing up, I read every article I could find and came to the conclusion that I wouldn't live more than 16 years. Every day was filled with fear, wondering if it was my last," he says on Facebook.

At 17, he realized his life expectancy had increased to 30, thanks to medical advancement. "It was like life was telling me, 'you still have time, what are you doing with your life?' Death eventually has to come to everyone so why was I scared?," he says on Facebook.

And just like that, he chose to live each day to the fullest. He took up adventure sports, scaled multiple peaks and even took up summer jobs at a travel company.

However, his amazing transformation wasn't only personal. He extended his never-give-up attitude to an NGO called The Wishing Factory, helping fulfill dreams of Thalassaemia Major and Leukaemia patients.

What's even more impressive is that he has a bigger goal in life for people like him, which is more inspiring than words can say.

We'll just let you read his post in its entirety to know more about him and his special plans. We really hope he achieves everything he sets out for himself.