This Article is From Mar 13, 2017

Holi 2017: 6 Tweets That Anyone Celebrating The Festival Of Colours Will Relate To

Offbeat Written by

Holi 2017: A young boy celebrates the festival of colours (AFP Photo)

New Delhi: Holi hai! Chances are you, like most people, were rudely woken up this morning by someone, somewhere blasting Amitabh Bachchan's Rang Barse. It's been over 30 years but no other song seems to have come close to edging it out of people's Holi playlist. Your family group on WhatsApp was probably overflowing with colourful GIFs and Holi greetings. If you went online, you'll know that #HappyHoli was the top trend on Twitter in India for most of the day. Whether you're spending the day armed with a pichkari and water balloons or staying in and gorging on gujiyas and drinking thandai, here are 6 tweets that sum up exactly how we all feel on Holi.

1. Personal safety is key, especially on Holi
2. Remember, don't waste water - on Holi or any other day
3. This is probably what your neighbour's arsenal of water balloons looks like. Consider yourself warned
4. Dear parents, please use Holi as an example to educate your children about consent. Bura na mano, Holi hai (Don't take it personally, it's Holi) doesn't quite cut it anymore 
5. Comedian Rohan Joshi's shraap (curse) is oh-so-funny. We're not sure which is worse - karela or losing the 10 marks
6. But we think stand-up comedian Sorabh Pant says it best. Be respectful to your four-legged friends and fellow humans
How are your Holi celebrations going? Let us know in the comments section below.