This Article is From Oct 29, 2015

How Bill Gates Asked Out Wife Melinda, Two 'Amazing' Decades Ago

Offbeat Written by
The world's richest man is officially a sexagenarian. Microsoft founder Bill Gates turned 60 on October 28. 

Among the thousands of birthday wishes the business magnate and philanthropist received, this one from wife Melinda has got to be the most special.

In a Facebook post, Melinda recounted her first ever date with her future husband.

"When Bill first asked me out, he said, 'I was thinking maybe we could go out two weeks from tonight,'" she wrote on the social networking site. When she complained that he wasn't spontaneous enough, Bill Gates did the sweetest thing possible.

"He called me an hour later to suggest we get together that night. He asked: 'Is that spontaneous enough for you?'" she said. Awww... isn't that just adorable?

In her special birthday post, she also listed all the things that make Mr Gates the most incredible person.

"Bill, after two amazing decades together, your humor, drive, intelligence, curiosity, thoughtfulness, optimism - and, yes, your spontaneity - are as wonderful as ever," she said on Facebook, adding, "On land, at sea, and everywhere in between, I'm glad you're by my side."

Here's wishing you a very happy (slightly belated) birthday, Bill Gates.

When Bill first asked me out, he said, “I was thinking maybe we could go out two weeks from tonight.” I told him he wasn...

Posted by Melinda Gates on Wednesday, 28 October 2015