Indian Forest Services officer Susanta Nanda took to Twitter on Wednesday to challenge his followers with a puzzle. Mr Nanda, known for his wildlife-centric posts on the microblogging platform, asked his followers to spot the tigers carefully camouflaged in a photograph of a grassy landscape. While doing so, he said that the task would explain "Camouflaging and misdirection". Mr Nanda also shared a second photograph of a tiger visible through dense vegetation.
"Camouflaging and misdirection explained best. You can see one tiger in the left. Can you find out how many are there in the right picture?" wrote Mr Nanda while sharing the pics.
Camouflaging & misdirection explained best. U can see one tiger in the left. Can you find out how many are there in the right picture?
— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) March 11, 2020
On being called out for the low quality photo, Mr Nanda shared another pic. Take a look and see how many tigers you can spot in it:
It was not a challenge. It was to explain the evolution of the colours of tiger skin to function in 2 ways for survival. Will elaborate that later. Here is a better one of the same. Can u please identify now?
— Susanta Nanda IFS (@susantananda3) March 11, 2020
The confusing challenge left many scratching their heads as they tried to find the tigers hiding in the pic. Many Twitter users gave up.
Lol!!! I toh still can't spot anything
— chirayu desai (@chirayusdesai) March 11, 2020
All I identify is that it's Ranthambore ;)
— nitin parashar (@nitinparashar2) March 11, 2020
Others, however, managed to discern signs of the big cat in the grass.
— Nipun Garg (@nipung) March 11, 2020
— Nilottam Rana (@nilottam_rana) March 11, 2020
Some wondered if the pic had been photoshopped or edited.
Pl give value of f shutter speed and aperture used..along with pixel..also tell me about app used to photoshopp and not bothered about tiger,camouflage,adapatation and survival instinct...????????????????
— Ganesh babu (@geebeeigwt) March 11, 2020
Okay.. thanks for a larger image, as you can see for yourself, I have zoomed in and there are at least 3 areas where somebody has "doctored" the pic, i.e. photoshopped.. anyways I understand your point.
— Vidari (@RealSnipDeal) March 11, 2020
According to New Hampshire PBS, a tiger's stripes help it blend into tall grass. "Its golden brown strips blend in with the grass and the dark brown and black stripes merge with darker shadows. When a tiger is hiding in the grass, it is very difficult to spot," they explain.
Were you able to spot tigers in the pic? Let us know using the comments section.
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