This Article is From Mar 10, 2017

How Shah Rukh Khan Changed A Man's Life Will Double Your Respect For Him

How Shah Rukh Khan Changed A Man's Life Will Double Your Respect For Him

A man tweeted the story of how a chance meeting with Shah Rukh Khan changed his life

New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan isn't called King Khan for no reason. Instances of his humility and charm have touched the hearts of many. One such guy is UK-based video game developer Shahid Kamal Ahmad. In a series of tweets, Shahid details how a meeting with Shah Rukh Khan changed his life. Shahid Kamal Ahmad who is now a known name in the gaming industry explains how the Badshah inspired him to reach the position he's at.

'Six years ago today the one and only @iamsrk treated me to dinner in Langkawi. We worked on a game together. He is a complete gentleman. And not only did we have dinner, afterwards he treated me to a beautiful Cuban cigar bought from the hotel. (He was filming Don 2 there). At that time, I was still a kind of loser, but he showed me that nice guys can be winners. (And his work ethic inspired my life changes). He showed me just how gracious and decent an extraordinarily gifted and successful man can be. Nice guys don't have to finish last", he wrote in a series of tweets.

You can read his Twitter thread below
Shahid says he was moved to see the actor treat him, 'a nobody', with respect. 'When we met in London, he invited me to a private screening of the unreleased "A-Team" in his hotel. He *personally* brought a drink to me. He showed me the power of service. I was changed. I brought that attitude he showed me in 2011 to all my future dealings with devs', he wrote.

The actor spotted Shahid's tweets and immediately responded being the humble man he is. He even promised to see him the next time he is in London after Shahid expressed his desire to thank him personally.
Twitter was in awe of the star
If you weren't a SRK fan so far, you will be now.