This Article is From Sep 14, 2015

How This Mumbai Boy is Helping Out His Mother After His Father Died

Offbeat Written by
"I want to do something, anything to help my mother," says a young boy on the Humans of Bombay Facebook page. Dressed in a "Gangnam Style" t-shirt, a smile on his face and a newspaper in his hand, his story is short but will tug at your heartstrings.

"My father passed away, so now it's just my mother and me living together," he says. His age is unspecified but he's clearly very young - here's what he does every day before going to school, to help his mother out as best as he can.

"Every morning, from 7am to 8 am, I deliver newspapers in the area, after which I go to school," he says, a job that earns him Rs 1000 per month. "And although it's not a lot... I want to do something, anything to help my mother," he adds.

If that hasn't melted your heart already, he goes on to say, "She's the best -- and her aloo sabzi is world best!"

It's hard not to feel proud of this bright young boy. Read his entire post below:

"My father passed away, so now it's just my mother and me living together. Every morning, from 7am to 8 am, I deliver...

Posted by Humans of Bombay on Sunday, 13 September 2015