This Article is From Apr 15, 2020

"Couldn't Smell Or Taste Anything": Ahmedabad Woman Who Tested Coronavirus +ve

"When they told me I was the 2nd positive patient in Ahmedabad, my heart sank."

'Couldn't Smell Or Taste Anything': Ahmedabad Woman Who Tested Coronavirus +ve

Sumiti Singh tested positive for coronavirus after returning from Finland.

Sumiti Singh, Ahmedabad's second coronavirus patient, spoke about her journey to recovery in an interview with Humans of Bombay. Ms Singh, who contracted the infection during a trip to Finland, opened up about the symptoms she experienced on returning home, how her family was put in quarantine once she tested positive for the disease and the care she received at the hospital where she was treated. 

"When I got a mild fever with chills, I self-isolated in my room," she said to Humans of Bombay after explaining that she had returned from Finland where she took "every precaution". 

"At first my family doctor thought it was because of the sudden temperature change and prescribed antibiotics. But I didn't risk it."

Ms Singh began to self-isolate in her room, where no family member was allowed to step in. She said that food was served to her on a table kept outside her room and she scrubbed every utensil clean before returning it. However, her symptoms began to worsen, to the point where she got a cough and started feeling "a tightness" in her chest. 

When she drove herself to the hospital, she was initially optimistic. However, two days later, she was told that she was the second coronavirus positive patient in Ahmedabad. 

"But, two days later, when they told me I was the 2nd positive patient in Ahmedabad, my heart sank.
I had taken every precaution there was. I was terrified, more so for my family--what if I had infected them?" said Ms Singh to Humans of Bombay. After that, within an hour, her house was fumigated and her family put into immediate quarantine by Amdavad Municipal Corporation, while she herself was taken to the hospital. 

Speaking about the treatment she received for coronavirus, Ms Singh said the first two days were scary, but praised the doctors and nurses as "superheroes". 

"On top of all the symptoms, I couldn't smell or taste anything either! But the doctors and nurses were my superheroes. They monitored me every two hours and took fabulous care of me," she said.

After 11 days, she tested negative for the diseases twice and was discharged from the hospital. "That day, I entered my gates to see my family along with my whole society clapping and cheering for me," she said.

You can read her full account below:

“The COVID-19 outbreak had barely begun when I left to see the Northern Lights. Still, I took every precaution. I wore N99 masks, sanitized every surface I touched & avoided contact. At the time, I looked ‘paranoid' as one of the few even wearing a mask. ⁣ But, I came back to no hugs from the family. A pandemic had been declared. Days later, when I got a fever with chills, I isolated in my room. At first the doctor thought it was because of the temperature change & prescribed antibiotics. But I didn't risk it. Food was served to me on a table outside my room & I'd return the utensils only after I'd washed them. I didn't step outside or let anyone in. ⁣ But the symptoms got worse–I felt a tightness in my chest & had a cough. I didn't want to take a chance & went to the hospital to get tested. Then I had to wait. I was optimistic; the doctors also felt I'd test negative. But 2 days later, I was told I was the 2nd positive patient in Ahmedabad–my heart sank.⁣ I'd taken every precaution there was. I was terrified–what if I'd infected my family? But there was no time to think. Within 1 hour, doctors had my treatment plans ready while my house was fumigated & my family was put into quarantine by AMC officials. Everything happened so fast. ⁣ The first 2 days were scary. On top of all the symptoms, I couldn't smell or taste anything. But the doctors & nurses were my superheroes. They took fabulous care of me; they didn't behave distantly or with fear. One doctor even told me that for her birthday all she wanted was a negative test from me so I had to drink more water! ⁣ I began reading survivor stories for motivation & shared my experience online; people who'd looked at me with fear began sending me love. After 11 days, I tested negative twice & was discharged.⁣ That day, I entered my gates to see my family & society clapping & cheering for me. The past 3 weeks have been a rollercoaster to say the least; I went to Finland & overcame a potentially deadly disease. But that's how unpredictable life can be. So, I've got to savour every moment now–right from soaking in the sun to feeling the grass beneath my feet. But most importantly, a hug from my parents.”

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Since being shared online, this story of recovery has collected over 66,000 'likes' on Instagram, along with a ton of comments. 

"Such stories definitely help to spread positivity and hope," wrote one person in the comments section. "So brave she is," said another. 

Out of the total 617 coronavirus positive cases being reported from across Gujarat so far, 346 patients are from Ahmedabad alone. The city's civic body has readied the country's largest COVID-19 Care Centre with a capacity to accommodate 2000 patients in a hostel complex near the Gujarat University Complex.

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