During the ongoing lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, police officers and animal activists have been taking care of stray animals who are struggling to find food as humans stay indoors. In Uttar Pradesh, for example, cops were recently seen feeding a troop of hungry monkeys during the lockdown. Now, a video that is melting hearts on social media shows a cop feeding a banana to a monkey with no hands. The heartwarming scene, which appears to have been captured at a police station, shows the cop patiently peeling and feeding a banana to a monkey who has no hands.
In the video, which emerged online one day ago, the policeman - wearing a face mask - is seen talking on the phone while sitting on a chair. In one hand, he holds a banana and feeds it to the monkey who is sitting on a wall next to him, as well behaved as can be. The heartwarming scene has struck a chord with thousands on social media, who can't stop praising the cop's kindness and patience.
"Police officer feeding an amputee monkey," wrote Twitter user Khusbhoo Soni while sharing the video this morning.
Police Officer feeding an amputee Monkey. pic.twitter.com/7IKBGLlAy6
— Khushboo Soni (@Khushboo_) April 17, 2020
The sweet video has been viewed more than 28,000 times on the microblogging platform, where it has also been retweeted nearly 2,000 times. In the comments section, many have showered praises on the cop, while others said heartwarming the video made their day.
Good man
— Mi͟s͟s͟ B͟a͟g͟h͟d͟ad (@Msbaghdad) April 17, 2020
thanks for sharing! empathy is all we need :)
— शक्ति-Man (@rahulsingh18) April 17, 2020
What do you think of the video? Let us know using the comments section.
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