Rohit Sharma turned 34 on Friday and wishes poured in from all quarters for the Mumbai Indians captain. The International Cricket Council (ICC) took to Twitter with a birthday message for the "master of the pull shot", while Mumbai Indians wished their captain and 'Hitman' with a special graphic - but it was wife Ritika Sajdeh who took fans inside Rohit Sharma's birthday celebrations. Ritika took to her Instagram Stories last night to share a glimpse of her husband's birthday celebrations amid IPL 2021.
Her picture shows Rohit Sharma with cake smeared on his face. The cricketer, dressed in a casual sweatshirt, was photographed smiling for the camera with a piece of cake in hand. Alongside the picture, Ritika also added "Happy Birthday" and "Love you lots" graphics to her Instagram Story.
Meanwhile, Rohit's teammates, fans and colleagues shared birthday messages for the skipper. Yuzvendra Chahal, who is known to be a good friend of Rohit's, posted a birthday wish for the "Love of my life."
Love of my life ???? happy birthday Rohitaaaa Sharaaamaaaa ???? ????
— Yuzvendra Chahal (@yuzi_chahal) April 30, 2021
Former cricketer Harbhajan Singh wrote: "Happy birthday Shaaana... wish you lots and lots of happiness."
Happy birthday Shaaana @ImRo45 wish you lots and lots of happiness.. love always ????????
— Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) April 30, 2021
Suresh Raina and Shreyas Iyer also wished Rohit Sharma.
Wish you a very Happy Birthday Brotherman @ImRo45 .. Wish you good health, happiness, and loads of success in the coming year & always. ????????????
— Suresh Raina???????? (@ImRaina) April 30, 2021
Happy birthday Hitman ???? @ImRo45
— Shreyas Iyer (@ShreyasIyer15) April 30, 2021
Rohit is currently leading the Mumbai Indians in the ongoing IPL 2021. The defending champions are fourth on the points table with three wins from six matches.
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