This Article is From Feb 22, 2018

Internet Can't Stop Staring At This Annoying GIF. You'll Be Hooked Too

Look away now. DON'T fall for it!


Redditors have been thoroughly affected by the GIF.

When someone says coastline, chances are you imagine a picturesque scene in which land meets vast expanse of water and the whole thing has a soothing effect on you. So trust the Internet to throw you a curve ball and give you a coastline that's the complete opposite. A GIF posted on Reddit has managed to anger, irritate and upset many netizens. So, if you're not in the mood for something infuriating, look away while you still can. If you continue, remember, we warned you.

Please Bring Your Chairs And Tables To The Upright Position

Well, how long have you been staring at this GIF? In case you're wondering, the actual clip is hardly two or three seconds long but plays on in an infinite loop... you know... to get you all rattled up.

Reddit user stpk4 posted this frustrating GIF three days ago. It has since collected almost 27,000 upvotes and more than 800 comments.

Redditors have been thoroughly affected by this GIF. This one really strikes a chord: "To anyone who may read this,
I have been trapped watching a looping gif for the past 42 minutes with seemingly no hope of escape. Through much effort, I was able to divert my attention long enough to open another tab and type this message. I implore you, send help. However, if I do not make it, tell my wife and children that I love them.
Warm regards,

Here's what others are saying.

"I'm so frustrated," says one Redditor. "I was talking to my wife while this was going. Every time I looked back to my phone I thought: well, I missed it. It took me way too long to see what you did to me," says another.

"I could have sworn it started further back at first," comments a Reddit user. "I Know it is a loop but I am going to keep watching in case something unexpected happens," comments another who refused to give up. (Wonder is he/she is still watching, their eyes watering!)

Tell us what you think of this GIF in the comments section below.