Apple announced the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro series on Tuesday - and, as expected, the new launches received the traditional meme treatment on social media. There are four new iPhone 13 models corresponding to last year's iPhone 12 lineup: the iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max. However, Apple did not opt for a radical redesign for their iPhone 13 series, and Twitter users were hard pressed to find any immediate difference between the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13. On social media, this became a rallying point for meme-makers who created hilarious posts by juxtaposing nearly-identical images to compare the new Apple iPhone with its previous iteration.
Take a look at some of the funniest iPhone 12 vs iPhone 13 memes that have flooded Twitter:
iPhone 12 users upgraded to iPhone 13 be like : #AppleEvent
— ???? (@IhrVortrag) September 15, 2021
Me trying to spot the difference between iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 13 pro max #AppleEvent
— Jsemfrajeeer (@jsemfrajeeer) September 14, 2021
iPhone 12 owners buying iPhone 13
— The Future Programmer (@TheProgrammerMe) September 13, 2021
Iphone 12 users upgrading to Iphone 13 ????????
— Shehroz :) (@JattBruce) September 14, 2021
Me looking at the difference between iPhone 12 and 13 #AppleEvent
— daniel ???? (@manieldad) September 14, 2021
Zomato hopped onto the trend with this post:
iPhone 12 vs iPhone 13
— zomato (@zomato) September 14, 2021
Apple has been accused of slowing down the performance of older iPhone models. The issue of iPhone throttling was also highlighted with memes:
My iPhone 12 trying to figure out how to self destruct once the iPhone 13 was announced: #AppleEvent
— Carlton Banks' Burner Account (@banksburner25) September 14, 2021
My iPhone once the iPhone 13 come out #AppleEvent
— ???????? (@EvansWRLD) September 15, 2021
My iPhone 11 when the 13 comes out:
— luca (@hotboyluca) September 15, 2021
While they may look similar on the outside, Apple has made several improvements in its iPhone 13 lineup. Notable improvements with this generation include better battery life, a cinematic video recording mode, overhauled cameras and narrower notches across the lineup.
The iPhone 13 mini starts at $699 while the iPhone 13 starts at $799 for the 128GB models. The iPhone 13 Pro starts at $999 while the iPhone 13 Pro Max starts at $1,099. In India as well as the US, UK, Japan, China, Australia and Canada, preorders will begin on September 17, with retail availability starting on September 24.
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