"Jesus Going To Take Me Up In The Clouds": 92-Year-Old US Woman Pranks Scam Callers

Fed up with relentless scam calls, 92-year-old South Carolina resident "Bumma" has become a champion for annoyed phone users everywhere.

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The 92-year-old is giving the scammers a hilarious dose of their own medicine.

While smartphones bring technology to our fingertips, a constant annoyance plagues users worldwide: scam calls. We all try to dodge these unwanted interruptions, but one witty woman in the US has flipped the script, according to The New York Post. With her sharp humour, she's turned the tables on relentless scammers, giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Fed up with relentless scam calls, 92-year-old South Carolina resident "Bumma" (as her family affectionately calls her) has become a champion for annoyed phone users everywhere. According to The New York Post, Bumma doesn't get flustered; she gets funny. This quick-witted senior chats up the scammers with nonsensical banter, turning the tables and leaving them bewildered. It's a hilarious pastime that brings laughter to both Bumma and her granddaughter.

Her granddaughter, Cheyenne Toney, told The NY Post that "she loves messing with them and getting a good laugh. Bumma is 92 and lives alone with a sound mind and a great sense of humor. She gives us plenty of entertainment."

Ms Toney captured Bumma's comedic ramblings in a series of videos in March and April, saying her grandma receives "a lot" of spam and scammer calls.


In one video, she asks the cheat whether they believe in God before telling him the shocking reason she doesn't need the wares he's selling.

"I think I'm going to get raptured, you know?" Bumma says it with a straight face.


"So I don't need all that stuff. Jesus is coming back soon, and he's going to take me up in the clouds with him. Are you ready to go?"

This tactic seems to be her secret weapon. In another video, Bumma throws the scammer a curveball by asking for a senior discount. This unexpected request left the fed-up scammer feeling like his time was being wasted, ultimately leading him to hang up.

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