This Article is From Mar 02, 2016

John Oliver Roasts Donald Trump, Or Is It Donald Drumpf?

Offbeat Written by

With Super Tuesday almost here and opinion polls giving Republican frontrunner Donald Trump an edge, comedian John Oliver took it upon himself to 'drumpf' Trump on his TV show 'Last Week Tonight' on Sunday. 

It's only fair to wonder why Oliver took up the cause so late, but something he says in the video might explain that - 'Donald Trump is America's back mole: It may have seemed harmless a year ago but now that it's gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it.'

Oliver shredded Trump for 21 minutes during his half an hour show, dissecting the reasons why people support the businessman and TV personality.

Oliver argues that "Trump's opinions have been wildly inconsistent" and most of his statements have been proved wrong, including his claims of being invited on the show. "He's been pro-choice and pro-life, for and against assault weapon bans, in favour of both bringing in Syrian refugees and deporting them out of the country, and that inconsistency can be troubling," added Oliver.

Oliver wrapped with swipes at Trump's alleged original family name 'Drumpf', creating a hashtag that broke the internet and Twitter - #makedonalddrumpfagain. Reddit has a fiery debate going on on this with nearly 8000 comments on the thread. Oliver is also selling merchandise with the hashtag on

Watch the video for yourself, and don't forget to try the 'Drumpfinator'!